視頻:賈躍亭在FF91發布會上英文演講 全程飆英文
新浪科技訊 1月4日消息,美國西部1月3日下午樂視超級汽車深度戰略合作伙伴Faraday Future(簡稱FF),在拉斯維加斯正式發布首款量產電動車FF91。
Dream On and All In
Good evening everyone. It’s awesome to be here! I’ve always wanted to speak to you in English, please bear with me。
Very cool! It’s impossible to perfectly categorize this disruptive machine. FF 91 is not only the quickest EV in the world, but also packed with many disruptive innovations. FF is breaking the boundaries of Internet, AI & self-driving, IT, Electric powertrain and Auto industries, creating Eco chemistry and reformatting the core value of cars。
這輛車太cool了!完全沒法用當下的任何車型來歸類它。這輛車不僅是地表加速最快的電動車,更有太多的顛覆性創新。FF打破了互聯網,AI及自動駕駛, IT,汽車,電動系統五大技術領域的邊界,實現破界創新,生態化反,重構了汽車的核心價值。
We believe the car of the future will no longer be valued in cubic inches, it will be measured in kilowatts, gigahertz, gigabytes, and the extent to which it connects you to the people and things that matter the most。
The core value of the next generation of cars will be reformatted into computing power, AI & self-driving, Internet & cloud, and electric power systems。
In the last hundred years, all kinds of vehicle categories have been formed including Sedan, SUV, Van, Sports Car. The list goes on. But now, this is all going to change. FF 91 integrates the best of all. With one vehicle, FF replaces many categories of cars. It’s all-in-one. Once you own an FF 91, you can get rid of your other cars in the garage. It reformats people’s perception of cars. It’s no longer just a car. It is a new species。
同時,過去上百年形成轎車,SUV,MPV,跑車等五花八門的車型分類即將會被改變。FF 正在創造一個跨界融合的全新品類,希望用一種車型就能夠替代所有車型。相信你買了FF 91,家里的各種車型就可以處理掉了。它完全顛覆人類對車的認知,是全新的物種。
Faraday Future was founded 4 years ago. A few world-class experts came together from the Internet, IT, Electric powertrain, and auto industries. We share a dream to restore the blue sky and to reformat the hundred year old auto industry. We are not just building an EV, but a globally shared internet mobility ecosystem。
4年前,來自于互聯網,IT, 電動系統,汽車領域的幾個業界頂尖大牛,懷著藍天夢,和重構百年汽車產業的夢想,創建了FF。我們的使命不僅僅是造一輛電動車,而是打造全球共享的互聯網交通生態系統。
Here we are, FF launches our first production vehicle to the world. This is a milestone on our journey from oil age, to electric car era, and on to the electric internet ecosystem era. We invite you to be a part of the journey. We believe an easy road may never lead to greatness. Adversity shapes character. I am willing to devote my everything to my dream, even my life. Dream on and all in! Thank you!
今天,FF向全世界展示了第一臺顛覆性的量產車。這是汽車產業由汽油時代、電動時代,到互聯網生態電動時代的一個里程碑。顛覆之路上必定荊棘重重,但我們相信一帆風順的事業很難成就偉大。越大的磨難才是越好的錘煉。我愿意把我生命的全部交給我的夢想, Dream On and All In! 謝謝!
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